Kinderfeets Tiny Tot 2 in 1 Trike & Balance Bike | BAMBOO

A quality convertible bike for tiny tots to ride!

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Kinderfeets Tiny Tot 2 in 1 Trike & Balance Bike | BAMBOO is a small 2-in-1 bike that has been designed for "tiny tots" aged 12 to 24 months. Starting off as a tricycle, the low step-through frame and absence of pedals to get in the way, kids can touch the ground with their feet and start moving right away! This enables them to get used to steering the bike first, while they build their gross motor skills. When your child is ready, the tricycle easily converts into a 2-wheel balance bike! It's the smallest 2-in-1 balance bike on the market and a great way to prepare little ones for learning to ride a full-sized bike.

Balance bikes are great for preparing kids to ride their first pedal bike, with many transitioning from a balance bike to a pedal bike seamlessly and with a lot less grazes! With the absence of pedals, kids' feet can freely move about, giving kids the enjoyment of 'riding' their bike as they develop balance and build confidence. Crafted with strong sustainably grown bamboo, this beautiful balance bike is a light, high-quality trike and balance bike produced to have minimal impact on the environment.

Learning Opportunities: Gross Motor Skills – Spatial Awareness – Manoeuvrability - Balance

Suitable for Ages: 12-24 Months 
Box Dimensions: 64cm H x 39cm L x 18cm W
Weight: 3.63kg 
Materials: Made with renewable bamboo and sealed with lacquer to maintain it’s clean lustre, while packaging is made from recycled paper and water-based inks 
**Please Note the Seat Height:  23cm to 29.2cm

Kinderfeets™ is the product of award-winning designer and Netherlands native, Oscar V. Mulder, who sought an opportunity to share his love of cycling with his then 2-year-old son, but there were no suitable bikes on the market to fit their needs. What else would the great-grandson of a Dutch bike designer do? A designer himself by trade, he took up the challenge himself and Kinderfeets was born!


SKU TT98570
Barcode # 013964985702
Brand Kinderfeets
Shipping Weight 3.0000kg
Shipping Width 0.480m
Shipping Height 0.150m
Shipping Length 0.270m
Shipping Cubic 0.019440000m3

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