Alexandra's Crazy Craft Projects for Rainbow Fun

Author: Alex Jones (9)   Date Posted:11 August 2015 

Seedling Butterfly Mask Product Review by Alex - 9yrs


Alex's Crazy Crafts Product Review Seedling Butterfly Mask Kids Craft

Butterfly Mask ($24.95) by Seedling

I chose the butterfly mask because it stood out in the whole entire Rainbow Fun collection. I wanted to give it a go, even though I cannot wear it because of my glasses. It is a good decoration to have.

I was really excited when it came in the post. The packaging looked fabulous and I was very impressed – I really, really liked the box’s design.

I was over the moon.

Alex's Crazy Crafts Seedling Butterfly Mask Review

$24.95 is a lot of money, but the mask was very comfortable and the ribbons and glitter were good quality.

Alex's Crazy Kids Crafts Seedling Butterfly Mask Review

I designed it to be very glittery because I am a sparkly girl. I used a toothbrush as well because it helped me spread glitter on and then clean up the glitter.

Alex's Crazy Kids Crafts Seedling Butterfly Mask Product Review

Nearly finished.

Alex's Crazy Kids Crafts Seedling Butterfly Mask Product Review

Ready to go to a party!


Note from Alex’s Mum

Seedling is an inspiring New Zealand company with a beautiful range of creative toys and crafts for kids. The mask came with a sheet of top tips for grownups. I particularly liked ‘don't worry if you don't finish the project in one session, pack it away for another day.’ It reminded me that craft activities are not chores, they don't have to be finished in one session like the washing up.

Nine-year-old Alex, did this craft activity over two sessions, and spent more than two hours on the project. She needed no assistance and enjoyed it.

Also appreciated how the pack had all the craft materials to make the mask, including glue. Perfect to take on holidays, or to bring out on a slow afternoon.

Butterfly Masks are suitable for young toddlers right up to crafty teens, in my view.

View the Seedling product range here


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